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Help CenterAdditional Questions!Can I use Rootine as a prenatal?

Can I use Rootine as a prenatal?

Last updated October 12, 2022

Rootine does contain most of the nutrients that you will need in a prenatal, but we do want to note that Rootine is not technically a "prenatal" vitamin (as many supplements are marketed in stores and online).

Make sure to confirm everything you are taking with your doctor (which is easily done by viewing your recommendation within the member dashboard) The first step in customizing your rootine is by re-taking the lifestyle questionnaire and selecting the correct choice when asked about pregnancy and breastfeeding, and your mix will be updated accordingly. We can also make any adjustments to your formula, upon request. Just send us an email to 

We’ve linked a blog post below from our co-founder, Rachel, who used Rootine as her prenatal: 

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